Animations - alien-blue

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Keeping in Time

Men do have it rough when it comes to dancing salsa. We have to keep the beat, lead the lady with intricate twists and turns of our hands and bodies, decide on the next step and then watch the women take all the praise!

Finding the rythm can be challenging for some beginners. Others get the gist in no time and start tapping with a little guidance. If you've been dancing for over a while and still struggle to keep the rythm, either get a metronome and learn the different beats, or play Latin music in the background as you do something else. Subconscious infusion.

I've said this before - La Sonora Carruseles' Micaela is a great song for beginners... and non-beginners. It's just a really good track!

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